Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Prayer Requests - 1/26 - 9:29pm

Allen Jumper was admitted to PRMC/South - Room 332 this afternoon with pneumonia.

Ruth Ann Stallings had double knee replacement surgery today.  Will probably be at Baylor for 10 days.

Matt Hanley had surgery for Chron's Disease in December and has had a little set-back.  An abscess has developed and is causing him pain. 

Tammy Huffman's Mom sent his message asked that we pray for their preacher:  "Everett Hodges of the Central Church of Christ in Denison.  He has cancer and now he has blood clots all over his body. Can't start cancer treatments. He is in Texoma Medical center in Denison."

Jerry & Linda Tackett's daughter-in-law has been diagnosed with a kidney disease.  (I don't know many details...we just need to pray for her!)

Dianna Welch is continuing to recover at home from her fall on Monday night.  She has a fractured pelvis and black eye.

Darren Hamner, who was involved in an accident on Sunday, has been released from the hospital in Dallas and was on his way home. 

Sarah Goree has been released from the hospital and has moved into The Home Place.

Bill Jones has been released from the hospital and is recovering from the flu at home.

Paul Gene Roden will have knee surgery on Feb. 9th here in Paris.

DON'T FORGET:  "The Spiritual Life You've Always Wanted" seminar with Randy Harris!  Starts Saturday at 1pm-4pm.  Combined class in the auditorium on Sunday morning and he will also bring the message during worship.  Childcare will be available on Saturday.  Please let Tanya Welch know ASAP so providers can be lined up!


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