Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Prayer Update - 1/16 - 10pm

Patrick brought a wonderful message to us this morning "A Character Sketch of a Godly Leader".  He gave many verses for us to study on this week as we get ready to pray and fast for 24 hours next weekend.
We are in need of more elders in order to better know and better serve our congregation.
Start your prayer and fasting at noon on Saturday (1/22) and end at noon on Sunday (1/23) with our Pot Luck Lunch.  If you have any questions about this, please contact one of our elders.

The Pot Luck will also be honoring Jered & Tammy as this will be their last Sunday with us.  Please join us to wish them God's blessings as they move from our area.

Congratulations to Brandon & Melissa Allen on the birth of their son, Walter Vincent Gantz Allen.  He was born on Friday, January 7th.  Proud grandparents are Paul & Rita Allen.  EVEN prouder great-grandparents are Jerry & Joyce Allen.
  • Sarah Goree has been admitted to PRMC/South.
  • John White will be having a pacemaker tomorrow (Monday) at Baylor/Plano. 
  • Kyle Easton, son of Chris & Linda, will be getting his 2nd epidural on his back on Tuesday. 
  • Kristy Rodgers was back at worship with us today.  She says that she is doing great.  Kristy had breast cancer last year and then a polyp showed up on her colon, last fall.  After removing a portion of her colon, she now has NO CANCER!  (WoooHOOOO!) 
  • Janie Russell asked for prayers for her grandson, Justin Russell.
  • Kari Ann Cannon asked for prayers for a co-worker.
  • Helen Caminade, Michelle Gillie's Mom, will have an angiogram on Jan. 24.
  • Matt Hanley has had his stitches out this week and is recovering at home in Denton now.
  • Mack Ray is continuing to recover from his heart surgery and is feeling great.
  • Hazel Cross, Sherry Welch's Mom, is at her home recovering from her stroke.
  • Mike Shields, the preacher at First Assembly of God Church across the street, is now at home with hospice.
  • Tanya Welch asked that we keep their daughter, Jordan, in our prayers for direction in her life.
On a personal note:  This Wednesday morning, I will have the 1st of 5 surgeries on my eyes.  (3 on my left eye and 2 on the "good" eye.)  I have had only light perception in my left eye all my life.  The technology of the 21st century has come so far that I will be given sight!!!!!  The Dr. says I won't have 20/20...I don't even have that in my "good" eye AND any sight is a gift, when you've had NONE! 
My left eye has Retinoschisis, a cataract AND "something" behind the cataract.  My right eye has a cataract.
Thank you ALL for the prayers, the BIG prayers, that you have sent up to our heavenly Father on my behalf. 
Stay tuned for more details!  WoooHOOO!
(Exodus 14:14  "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.")W.I.N.G.S.:  Plans are in the works for a ladies' night tea on February 10th from 6-8pm.  The purpose of this night is to familiarize our LACOC ladies with the opportunities available to be in God's service and to reach out to others.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or Ladies bulletin board.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Chicken Fried Steak! Be sure to call the church office to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Pasta and Peanut Butter/Jelly

Jan 18: H.A.L.O.
Jan 19: Ladies Bible Class starts
Jan 22:  Prayer & Fasting starts at Noon
Jan 23:  Benedick's Pot Luck Lunch
Jan 23:  Pink Baby Shower @ 2pm for Staci (Skidmore) Hughey
Jan 23: LIFE Groups (evening)
Jan 29: Randy Harris Seminar 1-4pm
Jan 30: Randy Harris continues with 9am combined class in auditorium
Jan 30: 5th Sunday Catered Lunch after morning worship ($5 each person)
Feb 13: Faithful Readers - "The Shack"
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington

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