Friday, February 11, 2011

Prayer Requests - 2/11 - 12:24pm

Carole Anderson sent these messages on our sick ones:
  • Lewis visited with Gary Gage yesterday. He was supposed to be released to go home but had some swelling.  They were taking him to xray to see if there was a blockage. No other details are known at this time.
  • Chris and Linda Easton's son, Kyle Easton, had extensive back surgery yesterday (Thursday) at Medical Center/Plano. It was over 5 hours of surgery. He came through with flying colors and is doing very well at this time. They request prayers for his recovery. This report came from Chris at about 8:45 last night. It has been real difficult for Chris as he just started a job at Campbell Soup and is still in the probationary period. He was not able to be with Kyle in Plano. Linda has been down there coping alone. They all need prayers for strength. & healing.
  • Linda Strickland's son Dustin Strickland is improving everyday.  Dr. said it would be 6 to 12 months before all the swelling goes down in his brain. The paralysis is gone on his left side and he is able to walk and dress himself again. His speech has returned but everything still has room for improvement. He is on medicine to prevent seizures, which are common with this type of brain disease (he has not had any seizures - preventive measures only). She still requests prayer for his continuing recovery. Dr. said he is fortunate to be alive. If he had gone to the doctor 1 day later, he would have probably died.

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