Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayer Requests - 2/17 - 10:50am

Patsy Elliott is now at home recovering from her visit to the hospital

Debra Usry will have gastric by-pass next Wednesday in Dallas.

Phyllis Giguere will have an EGD and C-scope on Monday.

Julie Smith (Debra Usry's sister) has just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

Lesa Bulls' cousin, Betty Brockington, has been diagnosed with Stage 3 brain Cancer.  (The same type that Ted Kennedy had.)

Blane Booth was born last week, weighing only 3 pounds.  His parents are from here in Paris, Gage Booth  18 years old and in the military & Sarah Smith is only 16.  Little Blane was born with intestines on the outside of his body.  His bowel system is completely dead.  Doctors told them he wouldn't live, and put him on life support, but his heart is SO strong, they now say he doesn't need it.  They performed surgery the day after he was born and that has left him with no small intestine.  And now, there is a team of Doctors in Boston that have a new procedure that they want to use it on him.  Please keep this precious baby, parents, doctors & nurses on your hearts.

Our school teachers are very stressed right now.  There are budget cuts that are really making things so hard on them.  Also the teachers that are wanting to retire are really having problems also.  This not only affects the teachers....but the students too.  Please keep them all in prayer.

Brittany Twitty's Mom, Cynthia, has taken a new job with Head Start.  After 18 years of teaching 3-4 year olds, she is now the Secretary at the main office of Head Start.

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