Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prayer Requests - 2/27 - 5:55pm

I just received this update about Wayne McFadden, from Rickey:  "They've put in an n/g tube to feed him because he hasn't eaten in 4 days and is getting weak.  No change otherwise."

Shana Renee Crews sent this message today:  "My sister, Teresa Thompson, had a car accident on Thursday and woke up Friday morning with no feeling in her neck and shoulder on her left side.  She went to the doctor and she has permanent nerve damage.  Just need prayers to help her recover from her car accident.
Also, Elijah Friesen, (the little boy that had a heart transplant in the fall) went to Children's Hospital on Saturday with pneumonia and the doctors told them this morning he also has RSV...he is a sick little boy and needs prayers."

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