Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Prayer Requests - 2/8 - 1:20pm

All activities and classes at Lamar Avenue have been cancelled for
Wednesday, due to bad weather.
Also cancelled is the W.I.N.G.S. women's tea on Thursday night.

Listed below are the prayer requests from Sunday.  I'm apologize that I've been lax in my postings, but I've had the "stuff" that's been going around....I try really hard to keep up!
  • Linda McCarrell:  The sudden death of her husband, Roddy.
  • Roy & Lillian Welch:  Roy is @ Pine Tree Assisted Living with hospice, Lillian is experiencing bad health also.
  • Gary Gage:   Had by-pass surgery last week at PRMC/North - is in Room 462.  He's doing great.
  • Graham Family:  Death of Lynn last week and his son had to go back to Camp LaJune, NC, then he's going to Afghanistan.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings:  As she is in rehab from knee surgery last week.
  • Patsy Elliott:  PRMC/South - Room 502
  • Paul Gene Roden:  Will have knee surgery tomorrow at PRMC.
  • Kyle Easton:  Will have spine surgery on February 10th in Baylor/Plano.
  • Joshua Davis:  8 year old boy missing in New Braunfels, Texas.
PROSPECTIVE ELDER CANDIDATES:  Will be announced to the congregation this Sunday, February 13.

BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET:  Is in need of children's clothing & men's jeans, shirts and shoes!

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Tuna and/or Vegetables


Feb 13: Diaper shower for Amy Owens @ Dianna Welch's home (New baby's name will be Reed.)
Feb 13: Faithful Readers - "The Shack"
Feb 15: H.A.L.O.
Feb 20: Blue Baby Shower honoring Jeanette Singleton - 1:30-3pm
Mar 20: Wedding Shower for Trevor Pringle & Brittany Young - 1:30-3pm
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington

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