Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly Update - 2/28 - 3:40pm

The Elder Selection/Reaffirmation Service will be this Sunday morning, March 6th. 
Our new elders will be Doug Faires and Wayne Kerby.

Continue to remember the following in prayer:
  • Wayne McFadden continues to be in PRMC/S-Room 319.
  • Debra Usry is at home recovering from her bariatric surgery.
  • Matt Hanley is continuing to have complications from the surgery he had in December.  I talked with Kim this afternoon, and she said that he had an appointment today with the surgeon.
  • Hazel Cross, Sherry Welch's Mom, is at home and now requires 24 hour care.
  • David Nelson and Nelda Nelson (Charlotte Grooms' brother and sister-in-law) are both experiencing serious health issues.  David has lung cancer and waiting for the doctor to decide on treatment.  Nelda has multiple myloma.
  • Lesa Bulls' cousin, Betty Brockington, is undergoing cancer treatments.
  • Jenifer Cooper's friend, Jennifer Kuhlengel's baby son, Carter, is 3 years old and has double pneumonia and a staph infection.  He was taken to Children's Medical Center on Saturday.  He is not responding to treatments.  They have just this afternoon moved him to ICU and are calling in a team of specialists.  His breathing is very labored.  Jennifer, is a teacher at Baliley/North Lamar and his Dad, Matt is a trooper in Red River County. 
  • Kristi Nutt's friend, Emily Cozer, lives in Nevada and is very ill at this time.
MISSION TRIP TO BRAZIL: If you are interested in going on this trip, or have questions regarding this trip, there will be an informational meeting this Wednesday night after class, or you can  contact Clint Spencer at

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Frito Chili Pie! If you were not able to sign up today, you may call the church office, by NOON on Tuesday, to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.

BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET: Is in need of children's clothing & men's jeans, shirts and shoes!

PANTRY NEEDS:  Crackers and Cornbread Mix

Mar 6: Ordination/Reaffirmation services for Elders
Mar 6: Life Groups
Mar 13: Faithful Readers @ 4pm
Mar 15: H.A.L.O.
Mar 16: Blood Drive
Mar 20: Wedding Shower for Trevor Pringle and Brittany Young - 1:30-3pm
Apr 2-3: Camp Deer Run - TEEN Retreat
Apr 10:  Youth Devo
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington
Apr 24: LTC Celebration
May 13-14-15: Hispanic Gospel Meeting
May 25: Blood Drive
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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