Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mid-Week Prayer Update - 3/10 - 10:37

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • PRAISE: Margaret Lough's friend, Leroy Goodson, who has lung cancer, is responding WELL to treatments!
  • Lindsay Welch will be having surgery Tuesday, March 22.
  • Mike Grigsby is not doing well.  He's rehabbing at home
  • Brittany Twitty's uncle, Roosevelt Twitty, has had surgery on his feet and legs recently and is not doing well.  He is also on dialysis 2 times a week. 
  • Kevan & Sarah Bennett had a baby girl, Emree, on Tuesday. She's being taken to Children's Medical Center/Dallas today.  Her eyes are swelling and they don't know why.
  • Callie Nixon, who works at Guaranty Bank, has a respiratory infection and passed out at work on Tuesday.  When she passed out she hit her knee, shoulder and face.  She is doing much better, but is pretty "banged" up.
  • Derald Bulls sent this message:  Jack Butler, volunteer softball assistant at PJC, has leukemia and will begin chemo today.  He will have 3-4 rounds, three weeks apart.  Jack lost his wife AND daughter over the last 18 months.  He's a very quiet man, but has made such an impact on the lives of many of the PJC girls, they are taking the news of his illness very hard. 
  • Hilliard Family in the death of their Mom, Leon.  Her services will be Friday at 2pm at the Fry Gibbs Funeral Home Chapel.
  • My sister, Martha Holmes, had foot surgery this week.  This makes 4th surgery she's had on
  • My brother-in-law, Roy Gregory, will have a stress test tomorrow.  He's been having chest/arm pain.  EKG came back SAME as 18 years ago.

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