Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer Request - 3/3 - 10:30am

DON'T FORGET....This Sunday is the Elder Selection/Reaffirmation Service.
DON'T FORGET - Part 2:  This Sunday is also LIFE GROUP meetings!
Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Wayne McFadden as he is still in such serious condition.
  • Matt Hanley is still in Denton Regional Medical Center awaiting another xray this morning.  The obstruction is now gone and they will be deciding the next phase of treatment.
  • Dinah Border is having lots of problems with her arthritis. 
  • Carter Kuhlengel, is better this morning. He's the 3 yr old son of a NLISD teacher. He has been taken off the Bi-Pap oxygen.  He's still not able to have food, but can have suckers.  His Mom says thank you ALL for the prayers.  He isn't out of the woods yet, and still has another week in the hospital.
  • Emily House-Leach is 5 months pregnant.  She has asthma really bad and has concerns for her health.
  • Debra Usry went to the Dr. for her post operative check-up and had her staples removed.   She is doing well and is able to drive.  Also, her daughter Jillian went for testing in Oklahoma for her Hep-C.  They referred her back to Paris.  Jill has moved back in with Debra and Lloyd.
  • Debra was thrilled to report last night that her grandson, Lucas Simpson, has been selected as the "Boles Home Student of the 6 weeks"!  Way to go Lucas!!!
  • April Good-Ferguson had been having problems with one of her eyes.  When she woke up yesterday morning, she had NO vision!  She is Roxanne Ferguson's (College Street) daughter.
  • Dinah Border's friend, Tyler Graham, has been deployed to Afghanistan.  He is in the Marines.
  • Heather Cannon has been accepted into the AIM program.  She will leave in August.
  • Brittany Twitty's friend, Qualyn Perkins, is in the National Guard and just returned from Iraq.  He has a 1 year old baby daughter that is an Albino.  She is having problems with her eyes.

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