Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prayer Requests - 3/23 - 12:43pm

Lindsay Welch came through her surgery fine yesterday, but, she is in lots of pain and not resting well.  She remains in PRMC/South - Room 605.

Brian & Jeanette Singleton took little Joseph home from the hospital yesterday afternoon.

Margaret Lough's Dad, Milburn (Mac) McMillan, is still in need of prayers as he still continues to fall. His mind is not back 100% yet and gets worse when his blood sugar is elevated. You can send him a card:

Elizabeth Shew said her 53 year old granddaughter, Rebecca Hopkins, of Lubbock has fallen and broken her hip. We had her on our list earlier when she had broken something else and she was just getting over that.

My brother-in-law, Roy Gregory, was to have a heart cath this morning, but, he has blockages in 3 of his main arteries.  They are having him stay in the hospital, as he will have open-heart surgery on Monday.  He's in PRMC/North - 4th Floor.

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