Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekly Prayer Requests - 3/13 - 7:41pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Our sympathy goes to Jean Anthony and her family, in the loss of her brother, Jim Parker, who lived in Oklahoma.
  • Wayne McFadden - PRMC/S.  There is a list on the Welcome Center for men who can volunteer to sit with Wayne at night.  The family is so very appreciative of your willingness to help them t with this.
  • Phillip Nabors - PRMC/S (Johnny's brother)
  • Mike Grigsby, former member of LACOC, is really having a rough time after his stroke/heart attack, last month.  The church is collecting funds for the Grigsby family.  Check with one of the elders or the church office to give your money.
  • Mac McMillan - Margaret Lough's Dad - Has several health issues.  Is in the hospital now, facing tough decisions.
  • Lindsay McCarter - having surgery next week.
  • Evelyn Perry - Health
  • Mark Cowan - Health
  • Roosevelt Twitty - Health (Brittany's uncle)
  • Claudine Woods - Baylor/Dallas - heart problems.  (My co-worker's Mom)
  • Doug McAulay - Will have back surgery on Tues (My co-worker's husband)
  • Gary Miller, bass singer with Vocal Union, suffered a massive heart attack and passed away on Friday.
  • PRAISE:  Mike & Linda Erwin are proud to announce the birth of their newest grandson.  Beau Chambliss was born on 3/10 and weighed 7 lbs. and 3 oz. 

GRADUATING SENIORS: Please bring 5-7 personal photos to the church office by March 23rd.

MISSION TRIP TO BRAZIL: If you are interested in going on this trip, or have questions regarding this trip, you can contact Clint Spencer at

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Irish Stew! If you were not able to sign up today, you may call the church office, by NOON on Tuesday, to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.

LACOC Outreach Bldg. - 3:30pm - 8pm
Sign-up sheet in the foyer this week

BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET: Is in need of children's clothing & men's jeans, shirts and shoes!

PANTRY NEEDS: Boxes of Mac & Cheese

Mar 15: H.A.L.O.
Mar 16: Blood Drive
Mar 20: Wedding Shower for Trevor Pringle and Brittany Young - 1:30-3pm
Apr 2-3: Camp Deer Run - TEEN Retreat
Apr 10: Youth Devo
Apr 10:  Wedding Shower for Cliff Kerby and Maggie Samuel - 1:30-3pm
Apr 17:  Blue Baby shower for Maeta Lee - 1:30-3pm
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington
Apr 24: LTC Celebration
May 13-14-15: Hispanic Gospel Meeting
May 25: Blood Drive
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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