Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekly Prayer Update - 3/27 - 10:26pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Lindsay McCarter is at home recovering from her surgery this past week. 
  • Lillian Taylor is having health problems.
  • Robbie & Kathy Wilson, as they mourn the sudden death of their son, Ryan "Deano", this past week.
  • April Good - recently been diagnosed with MS. 
  • Scott Cox, who suffered a stroke 2 weeks ago, is having some movement on his right side.
  • Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn, is in need of prayers for strength.
  • Harold & Peggy Hervey's daughter-in-law's husband, Carl Whitiker, was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in his neck.  This will be the second time for Robin to have to go through cancer with a husband. 
  • My brother-in-law, Roy Gregory, is still in ICU recovering from quad by-pass this past Friday.  During surgery they discovered he'd had 2 heart attacks.  How blessed he is that God him to the Dr. in time.  He was running fever tonight, but the blood tests had not returned yet. 
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Chili Dogs!  If you were not able to sign up today, you may call the church office, by NOON on Tuesday, to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Vegetables


Apr 1-2: Camp Deer Run - TEEN Retreat
Apr 3: Family LIFE Groups
Apr 10: Youth Devo
Apr 10: Faithful Readers
Apr 10: Wedding Shower for Cliff Kerby and Maggie Samuel - 1:30-3pm
Apr 17: Blue Baby shower for Maeta Lee - 1:30-3pm
Apr 17:  Newcomer's Luncheon
Apr 19: H.A.L.O.
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington
Apr 24: LTC Celebration
Apr 28: W.I.N.G.S. Ladies Tea
May 13-14-15: Hispanic Gospel Meeting
May 25: Blood Drive
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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