Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Update - 3/20 - 9:05pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
Holland Russell had an accident with a chainsaw on Friday.  He ended up with 22 stitches.

Wayne McFadden - Legends Healthcare/Room 401. There is a list on the Welcome Center for men who can volunteer to sit with Wayne at night. The family is so very appreciative of your willingness to help them during this time.

Mike Grigsby, former member of LACOC, is really having a rough time after his stroke/heart attack, last month. And, Kathy will be having her 4th back surgery soon. The church is collecting funds for the Grigsby family. Check with one of the elders or the church office to give your money.

Lindsay McCarter - Will have surgery on Tuesday (3/22).

Lillian Welch has broken her shoulder.  (Mark Welch and Dianne McFadden's Mom)

James Sam & Kathy Cooper, live in Roxton, and both have cancer.  James Sam is not doing well at all.

Scott Cox, Lindsay McCarter's co-workers' husband, had a stroke on Friday.  He is responsive, but has a long way to go.

•Our sympathy goes out to James Paul Miears and his family as they grieve the loss of his uncle, Jack Barnett from Deport.

April Good, Roxanne Ferguson's daughter, has been diagnosed with MS and Lupus.

Matt Hanley is doing lots better. They will be moving to Paris after Allison graduates from college in May.  Pray for them both as they begin job searches here in this area.

Don Howerton, Donna McGee's uncle, will have back surgery in Plano tomorrow morning.

•Please remember the family of Gary Miller, the bassist for Vocal Union.  Click on this site and you can see a slide show, as well as an area where you can donate for his wife Debbie and their 3 children.

Mike Kennedy became ill during church this morning.

Leslie Keele sent this message tonight:  "My grandpa went to the ER today and was admitted to the hospital. He has the flu and pneumonia. And my grandma who just had a procedure last week had 95% blockage in her leg had a balloon done. She has been up taking care of him and not resting and her leg is all swollen up again. They are 81."

•My brother-in-law, Roy Gregory, will have a heart cath this Wednesday morning.

•PRAISE:  Claudine Woods - Is at home now. (My co-worker's Mom)
•PRAISE:  Doug McAulay - Surgery was successful and he's back home in Paris!  (My co-worker's husband)

GRADUATING SENIORS: Please bring 5-7 personal photos to the church office by March 23rd.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Hamburgers! If you were not able to sign up today, you may call the church office, by NOON on Tuesday, to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Vegetables

Mar 27: Youth Devo @ Duren's
Apr 1-2: Camp Deer Run - TEEN Retreat
Apr 10: Youth Devo
Apr 10: Faithful Readers
Apr 10: Wedding Shower for Cliff Kerby and Maggie Samuel - 1:30-3pm
Apr 17: Blue Baby shower for Maeta Lee - 1:30-3pm
Apr 19: H.A.L.O.
Apr 22-24: LTC/Arlington
Apr 24: LTC Celebration
May 13-14-15: Hispanic Gospel Meeting
May 25: Blood Drive
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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