Thursday, May 26, 2011

Prayer Requests - 5/26 - 8:04am

Don't forget...This will be 5th Sunday Format!  Potluck after morning worship.  Bring your favorite covered dish/ lunch...enjoy a devo (with a special added attraction, so I hear) and then we'll be dismissed for the day!  No evening worship. 

Please continue to remember all the victims of tornados in Alabama, Missouri & Oklahoma!  This has been an awful tornado much devastation and death.

It was so good to see Petra Cook at church last night!  Travis and Michael left yesterday morning, driving to Alaska...which will take 7-10 days.  Remember them in your prayers, for their safety.  Petra also told us that Travis is being deployed to Afghanistan AGAIN in November.  He'll be there for a year.

Loretta Nabors' cousin, Kathy Maynard, has been having health issues over the last 2-3 months.  They have discovered that she has a mass pressing on her spinal cord.  She's worked for Walmart for 16 years in the bakery and has been off work for 6 weeks!  Please keep Kathy in your prayers.

Lesa Bulls' cousin, Betty Brockington, who has brain cancer, is going through chemo treatments and now has the shingles. 

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