Thanks to everyone who brought food and stayed for the 5th Sunday Potluck yesterday. Thanks also to the group of young men who sang for us...Spencer Jones, Reidie Faires, Sam Cannon and Joe guys did a great job! (Even with the stand-in you had! Thanks Mark Welch for helping them out!) And then the quartet of Rock Solid (Kyle Jones, Patrick Cannon, Richard Logan & Mark Welch) sang for us too! How blessed LACOC is, to have such talent!
CONGRATULATIONS to Hugh & Jean Anthony to 63 years of marriage...and to Leston & Lareece Maggard on 60 years of marriage!
- Ed Bullard asked for our prayers as he enters the hospital this Thursday for surgery. He also asked for prayers for Cheryl as she is have problems with her knees.
- Charlotte Grooms' friend, Paula Welch, recently had surgery.
- Our sympathy goes to Jerry & Dianne McFadden in the death of their sister-in-law.
- Janet Christ asked for prayers for her friend, Scott Rodgers, for healing/health. He's in a lot of pain.
- Smithy and Kay Allen's grandson-in-law, Jeff Kirkpatrick, is in PRMC/North with chest pains.
- Louise Payne, is having irregular heart beats and is falling forward. She will be having heart tests done soon. (To send cards, address them to Rita Pringle, she will forward them.)
- Wayne and Myra Tolbert have asked for prayers....his cancer has come back. They have agreed to allow us to provide meals for them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center if you can provide a meal for the Tolbert's. (There are no diet restrictions) Their address and phone number are on the sign-up sheet.
- A friend of mine from Cooper, Delores Gillean, is in PRMC/South. She's been battling cancer for many years and is very ill at this time.
PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Vegetables
REMINDER: The Simple Supper cooking crew are taking a break over the summer. During June, July & August there will be no meal on Wednesday evenings.
LADIES CLASS: "Made To Crave" will be facilitated by Laura Cannon and starts on Wednesday night June 8th. Check with Laura if you'd like to order a workbook.
June 4: Kacy Cole & Kristen Eudy wedding - 2pm @LACOC
June 5: Promotion Sunday
June 7: Terrific Tuesdays start with a trip to the Children's Museum in Commerce
June 12: Wedding shower for Kacy Cole & Kristen Eudy (Tammy Huffman's son & his fiancee')
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
June 20-23: Camp Deer Run - Day Camp
June 21: H.A.L.O.
June 25-30: Harding Uplift
July 17: Wedding shower for Kristen Bollman & Vadim Lukas
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive
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