Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekly Update - 5/8 - 7:58pm

Thank you Patrick for the wonderful Mother's Day message this morning, and to Richard for all the beautiful songs.  (It was an honor to be among those standing!)

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Mike Crews - knee surgery tomorrow (Monday)
  • The Logan family.  Richard's 54 year old brother-in-law, David Watson, passed away from cancer.  Their family lives in Oklahoma City.
  • Continue to remember Phil Wilson and his family, as they continue to mourn the loss of Phil's Mom.
  • John Williams - job search
  • Cade Mahan - 12 year old burn victim.  I've added his caringbridge site, you may click on the link on the right side of the screen.
  • John Herrington - complications from surgery (friend of the Todd & Angie Duren)
  • The Christ family have many friends who are victims of the tornados that swept through Alabama last week.  They have no electricity, gas, food, etc.
  • April Good - Multiple Schlerosis (friend of Barbara Campbell)
  • Lillian Welch - Health (Mark Welch & Diane McFadden's Mom)
  • Lorna Johnson - Tumor on pituitary gland.  No insurance and it needs to be removed.  (friend of Kristie Nutt)
  • Ashleigh Kennedy - prayers for spiritual growth (requested by Keeley Kennedy)
REMINDER: There will be a special contribution next Sunday (5/15) for the victims of the tornados in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

NEW CLASS:  A Singles class will start next Sunday morning at 9am in the youth minister's office.  If you are between the ages of 19-29, you are encouraged to be a part of this new Bible class.

LADIES CLASS:  "Made To Crave" facilitated by Laura Cannon, will start Wednesday, June 8th in Room 21-22.  See Laura if you'd like to order a workbook.

SENIOR TRIP:  Derald stated this morning, that you will be leaving at 4pm on Friday afternoon, May 20th.  Please be on don't want to miss this special dinner!

Our summer interns will be coming soon!  Andy Garner, from Greenville and Miss Alex Freeman from Mt. Pleasant will both be graduating from Harding this month and then spending the summer with us!  Pray for these 2 as they finish up their school year!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Mexican Stackups! If you were not able to sign up today, you may call the church office, by NOON on Tuesday, to sign up to eat with us. Still only $2.


GOLF TOURNAMENT that was scheduled for tomorrow - has been rescheduled for October 3rd.


May 15:  LIFE Groups
May 17:  H.A.L.O.
May 19: Kiddie Kollege Program
May 22: Senior Sunday
May 22: Faithful Readers
May 25: Blood Drive
June 19-26: Mission Trip to Brazil
June 20-23: Camp Deer Run - Day Camp
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Nov 9: Blood Drive

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