Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekly Update - 6/26 - 10:20pm

  • Congratulations to Claud & Mary Jones .... married 40 years today!
  • It was GREAT to see Doris McGill today!  So glad to see you and get one of your sweet hugs!
  • Dianna Welch spent time in the ER on Saturday with pain & swelling in her leg.  She was given an IV and then sent home with orders to see her Dr. on Monday. 
  • John McGee sent this message today....I think he's back to the "old" John:  "I caused so much trouble in the hospital that they kicked me out this evening.  My foot is doing much better  but I am afraid it will take awhile for it to completely heal.  Thanks to all who called and came by to see me, it really lifted my spirits and was a big help."
  • Audie & Vickie Neisler are proud to announce the birth of new granddaughter, Sky Mary-Ann Neisler.  She was born this past week. 
  • Heather Cannon went forward this morning to ask for prayers and support for her upcoming mission work with AIM.  She'll go to Lubbock in August for 8 months, then go to the mission field for 15-20 months.
  • Sherry Welch asked for prayers for her uncle, Bud Shannon, as he is having mini-strokes.
  • Please keep Charlotte Grooms' family in your prayers, as they mourn the loss of her aunt.  She was buried yesterday. Also, CG's brother, David Nelson, treatments for cancer begin this week.
  • Connie Ausmus asked for prayers for her Mom, Gloria Douglas, as she deals with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Please keep the Fisher family in your prayers as they deal with the sudden loss of their son Jacob (21 years old).
PANTRY ITEMS NEEDED: Cornbread Mix and 1 lb. packages of dry beans

LATCH KEY:  An assistant position is open in the Latch Key program for the coming school year.  Hours are from 2-6pm on school days.  Please see James Hanley if you are interested in this position.


June 21-28: Brazil Mission Trip
June 25-30: Harding Uplift
July 4:  Office Closed
July 8-9: Youth Group Lock-In
July 10: Faithful Readers meet at 4pm
July 15: Youth Group Frisco Rough Rider Game
July 17: Wedding Shower for Kristen Bollman and Vadim Lukas
July 19: H.A.L.O. @ 6:30pm

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