Sunday, July 17, 2011

Prayer Requests - 7/17 - 5:43pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Marcelino and his family as they are traveling in Mexico at the Bible Seminar.
  • Debra Usry's friends, Marcus and Jennifer Cartwright and their children, are moving here from Ponca City, OK, this week.
  • Robyn Figgins and Cari Johnson's Mom, Peggy Smith, had surgery yesterday.  Should have results of the tests on Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • April Goode (Jennifer Cooper's friend) is continuing to have health problems.
  • Robert Ground (Lesa Bulls' uncle) is having multiple health issues and is in Methodist Hospital in Dallas.
  • John Miller (friend of the Bulls') has dementia and Derald asked for prayers for his wife as she is caring for him.
  • Keely Kennedy asked for prayers for Gwyneth Kennedy as she has surgery for colon cancer on July 20th.  She also asked that we remember Ashleigh Kennedy as she is struggling with sin.
  • Vera Wilson asked for these prayers: Highland Wilson, that the Dr. can find the right meds for her mental health; Liz Small that she will go into remission from her cancer; and for Judy Anderson that she recovers from her upcoming back surgery.
PRAISE:  Jacob and Chandler Jones were baptized at Camp Deer Run on Thursday night.

PANTRY NEEDS: Peanut Butter

LATCH KEY: An assistant position is open in the Latch Key program for the coming school year. Hours are from 2-6pm on school days. Please see James Hanley if you are interested in this position.

July 19:  Youth Group Tag Team Tuesday 12-3pm
July 19: H.A.L.O. @ 6:30pm

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