Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prayer Requests - 7/20 - 9:09pm

PRAISE:  Luke Fowler was baptized on Sunday night.

PRAISE:  Margaret Lough received results of her last blood work and CA125 test for cancer.  Everything was GOOD!  September will make 5 years since her surgery for cancer!

April McClour asked for prayers for her friend, Caity Skye and her new baby girl Deliah.  Caity had to have an emergency c-section and Deliah was a month early.  The baby girl has had one surgery and will have more soon.

Brittany Twitty asked for prayers for her health.  She has an appointment with a new doctor next week and tests that will be performed.  She is diabetic and is hoping that her levels will be where they need to be and that new meds will help.

Lesa Bulls asked for prayers for Haley.  She is finishing up her college studies and is interviewing for jobs.

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