Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekly Update - 7/5 - 4:47pm

  • PRAISE for Rusty Cooper's niece, McKayla Doolittle!  Her heart is healthy!  Please pray for a full recovery from her stroke and that no more surgeries are needed.
  • Lesa Bulls' cousin, Betty Brockington, will start chemo this week.  She also asked for prayers for Charlie Rhodes, his 3rd round of chemo will be finished this week and his stem cell is planned for first part of August.
  • Debra Usry asked for prayers for her daughter, Jillian and her health; for her grandson, Lucas Simpson, as he is having difficulties adjusting to being home from Boles Home; her niece, Heather Cannon, as she will be leaving in August for the AIM program; and for the Earl Filkins family, as their home was destroyed by a storm last week.

PANTRY ITEMS NEEDED: Canned fruit and/or vegetables
LATCH KEY: An assistant position is open in the Latch Key program for the coming school year. Hours are from 2-6pm on school days. Please see James Hanley if you are interested in this position.

July 8-9: Youth Group Lock-In
July 10: Faithful Readers meet at 4pm
July 15: Youth Group Frisco Rough Rider Game
July 16: 90th Birthday Party for Doris Wooldridge
July 17: Wedding Shower for Kristen Bollman and Vadim Lukas
July 19: H.A.L.O. @ 6:30pm

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