Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prayer Requests - 8/10 - 9:07pm

Matt Hanley was released from the hospital this afternoon.

Amy Owens sent this message:  "Just wanted to ask for prayers, Doug's grandmother passed away. Family is having a hard time.  Please pray....they are looking to God for comfort and peace."

Loretta Nabors' Mom, Dorothy Hyman, will be starting hospice.  Please keep this family in your prayers.

Margaret Lough has a friend from Mineola, Micky Holmes, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Please pray for Micky and his family.
The corporate decision has been made to completely close the Sara Lee/Paris plant.  Please keep these workers in your prayers.  This affects so many families.  Keep them all on your hearts and prayers.

Roosevelt Twitty, Brittany's uncle, was in the ER almost all day yesterday with blood pressure problems.  He is better and was sent home.  Also, Brittany's boyfriend, Wendell Johnson, has been health issues over the last couple of months and he will be going back to the Dr. for a follow-up visit tomorrow. 

Phyllis Giguere's back surgery has been rescheduled for September.

On a personal note....I go back to the retinologist tomorrow for my 2 week post surgery checkup.

LACOC will be hosting a 4th Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon for all the teachers, paraprofessionals and staff from each of the schools next Tuesday (August 16th) from 11am-1pm in the Outreach Bldg.  There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center for desserts.  This is a wonderful ministry that the ladies host each year.  Please sign up as soon as possible....WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

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