Friday, August 26, 2011

Prayer Requests - 8/26 - 4:30pm

Phyllis Giguere is still in surgery, at Baylor/Plano, as of 4:30.  Debra Usry is there and has posted these updates:  "At 10:22 am or so, tje nurse called me that they had finished the part that they go through her tummy to the front of the lower spine, and had flipped her to begin on the back. Said she was doing great so far. Have not heard anything else since then. Thanks for all the prayers everyone. I hope that her friends will come visit her either while she is in the hospital or during the 2-3 weeks in rehab hospital.  At 2:40 pm, got a call again that they were putting in the rods. She is still doing great. Should not be much longer till they are finished...then an hour or so in recovery then to ICU for maybe 2 days. Thanks for all the prayers."
Patsie Abel, former member at LACOC, fell on Aug. 3.  She was admitted to the hospital this past Tuesday.  She had surgery on Wednesday at PRMC/South.  She has a broken hip and is in terrible pain.

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