Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prayer Requests - 8/27 - 9:19pm

Kristi Bullard-Moody sent these messages tonight:
  • Ed Bullard's doctor is still trying to get his blood thinner regulated.
  • Cheryl Bullard's cousin, Judy Kay Keller Ambs, was killed in a motorcycle/18 wheel truck accident today.  No other details are known.  Services are pending at Bright Holland Funeral Home.
  • Congratulations to Ed & Cheryl Bullard on the birth of their new great granddaughter!  Kamrie Brooke Richard was born Friday (8/26) at 5:06pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz and 18 1/2  inches long. Both Mom (Haley) & baby are doing ok. 

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