Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly Update - 8/1 - 10:12pm

  • Please keep Ronnie and Vicki Ballard in your prayers.  Their son, Dylan, passed away tonight, from injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident 10 days ago.  No other details are known at this time.
  • Dianna Welch went forward yesterday morning, the infection she's been battling in her foot has gone into her bones.  She is now facing 6 weeks of IV antibiotics and 8 weeks of oxygen therapy.  Please pray for strength for her body.  She has to go to the hospital, twice a day for 2 hours of IV and 2 hours of oxygen therapy.
  • Ed Bullard has been readmitted to PRMC/South - Room 509 with dehydration.
  • Kenda Zant Felker continues to be in St. Paul's Hospital/Dallas.  Her MS has gotten worse.
  • Mike Grigsby is in PRMC/South, recovering from another stroke.
  • Little Kanyon Philllips is doing some better, but will be in Children's Hospital/Dallas at least 2 weeks or as long as a month.  (The Spencer's grandson.)
  • Kimberly Daniels will be taking Payden to Scottish Rite Hospital this week for tests.
  • Cade Mahan has an infected ear with bleeding.  May have to have surgery.  He is the 12 yr old friend of the Border's, who was burned in the Spring.
  • Kristi Nutt's friend, Sylvia, is 4 months pregnant.  She is worried about the baby's health.
  • Jerry McFadden's cousin, Ann Green, has lung cancer.
  • Tanya Welch's grandfather, L.R. McCollum, is having health problems.
  • Lesa Bulls' cousin, Betty Brockington, has completed her 2nd round of chemo.  Also, Lesa asked for prayers for Robert Ground, he is having kidney issues.
  • Heather Cannon leaves this week going to Lubbock to join the AIM program.

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