Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekly Update - 8/14 - 7:38pm

  • Loretta Nabors and her family as they mourn the loss of her Mom, Dorothy Hyman.  Her service is tomorrow morning (Monday), at 10am at Bright Holland Funeral Home chapel.
  • Ed Bullard - PRMC/North - Room 441.  Blood clot in his lungs.
  • Dudley Zant - PRMC/North - Room 312.  Stroke. (Zack's grandfather)
  • Dianna Welch - as she continues her twice daily IV and oxygen therapy....AND, she will find out this week if she will need surgery on the mass on her ovary.
  • Mike and Kathy Grigsby and their health concerns.  Mike was released from the hospital yesterday. 
  • Jared Baggett's grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer this weeks and Kristi's grandmother is loosing blood internally.
  • Dr. Jim Semple was diagnosed with cancer this week.  (Friend of the Bulls'.)
  • Betty Brockington and her on-going cancer treatments.  (Lesa Bulls' cousin.)
  • Heath Anderson and his team, as they prepare to go to Nepal this month.
  • Adam Snyder is a Ranger and will be going back to Afghanistan. (Laura Cannon's step-brother)
  • Remember the teachers as they start their school year tomorrow morning. 
  • Over 3 million in Africa are starving.  Please pray for help for these people.
  • Continue to pray for the war in Afghanistan, and our troops over there.
VALET MINISTRY: What a wonderful service this is!  But, they need help! If you can help with this ministry, please check with any of the men at the door on Sunday morning.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Meat
The Benevolence Ministry has been really busy lately.  These are the items routinely stocked in the pantry, and can always be used:  Any type of canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, spaghetti & sauce peanut butter/jelly, macaroni/cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, 1 lb pkgs of beans/rice and crackers.

BACKPACKS:  Charlotte Grooms is collecting money or backpacks for children at Justiss Elementary again this year.  Please give the items to Charlotte or place the backpacks in the nursery.

Please pray that there is relief from this intense heat and drought. Check on your friends and neighbors. Drink plenty of water!! STAY COOL!!

Aug 16:  Appreciation Luncheon for Teachers/Staff of all local schools.  11-1pm in Outreach Bldg.
Aug 17: Derald Bulls - Speaking in the Auditorium
Aug 24: Prayer/Scripture/Singing in the Auditorium
Aug 31: Wayne Kerby - Speaking in the Auditorium
Sept 7: Blood Drive
Sept 20: H.A.L.O.
Nov 18-20: Family Retreat


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