Friday, September 23, 2011

Prayer Requests - 9/23 - 10:32am

J.C. Pomroy, the "Coke Man", has been diagnosed with cancer.  He'd been having problems with his hip, thinking it was just arthritis, found that it was a huge mass.  They've also found a mass very close to his heart.  (J.C. drove a Coca-Cola truck for years.)

Kristi Bullard Moody sent this prayer request:  "Gunnor Archer, born 9/20/11, with lung problems (possible hole in one of his lungs).  He was CareFlighted on Wednesday to Medical City Children's Hospital/Dallas.  His parents are Toby and Mindy (Ausmus) Archer
Today, they've found that the hole has sealed itself off in his lung, but he's developed double pneumonia and his right lung is showing signs of a slight collapse.
His Mom, Mindy, has had some complications and had to come home and may not be able to go back to the hospital for a while."
  Please keep this little family in your prayers.If you will click here you can read his Caring Bridge website.

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