Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prayer Requests - 9/29 - 6:39pm

Lindsay McCarter sent this update on her Mom, Dianna Welch"Mom is still doing great! She was up walking when I left yesterday and continues to be up and giving it her all so far today. We should have pathology report regarding the mass by tomorrow (Lord willing). Please continue to pray specifically for no infection and good path report! We serve an AMAZING God! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the prayers!"

Linda Hostetler (Perry Hanley's sister) has several medical problems, is having tests done. and wants to be on our prayer list.
Please put Carolyn Drake on our prayer list. Her fibromyalgia is acting up and she is no longer taking medication because none of them are working and needs prayers to make it through this without meds.

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