Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prayer Requests - 9/7 - 8:41pm

*Dianna Welch will be in Dallas tomorrow, to see a different doctor.  Hopefully they will get to the botttom of what is going on with her.
*Robert Wilson has been moved to PRMC/North - Room 312.  He's doing well and may get ot go home next Wednesday.
*Phyllis Giguere continues at Baylor/Plano.  Doing better, should go back to Rehab in Frisco in 5-6 days.  She would love to hear from you, you may call her at 469-814-5333.
*Ed Bullard went home today.
*Mike Grigsby was at services tonight!
*Lesa Bulls gave these updates: 
   ~Charlie Rhoades starts his stem cell therapy this week.
   ~Jim Davis has started hyperbaric chamber treatments.
   ~Dr. Jim Semple starts his chemo treatments tomorrow.

It was SO good to see everyone together again for Simple Suppers!  Thank you to the preparation team for the GREAT meal!
Lots of good ice cream and smiling faces after services!  Thanks to those who brought freezers!
I don't know a final total, but THANKS to all of those that donated blood!  Thank you for your gift of life!Please continue to pray for rain AND for the firemen fighting fires ALL over Texas!

Love you - MEAN IT!

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