Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekly Update - 9/11 - 2:32pm

  • Mike Grigsby went forward this morning with a beautiful testimony of thanks and proof of the power of prayer from Kathy and him.
  • Phyllis Giguere continues to be in Baylor/Plano.  She is continuing to recover and show improvement from her back surgery and from the infection in her abdomen at the incision site.
  • Alvin Buchanan is recovering from surgery this past Thursday.  Pray for healing and recovery.
  • Tammy Broadway continues to be in PRMC/North/ICU. 
  • Renee Crews' daughter, Laci James, will be induced on Wednesday morning.  Please pray for Laci and her new baby.  Also, Mike Crew's step-grandfather, Dan Gose, passed away this morning.  He lived in the Maxey community.
  • A house "Dad" from Boles Home died suddenly yesterday.  No other details are known at this time.
  • Heath Anderson is safely back home from his mission trip to Napal!  (Carole said he is totally exhausted and slightly dehydrated.)
  • Tyler Graham, Dinah Border's friend, will be coming home for some R&R from Afghanistan in October.
  • Patrick & Kari Ann know of a family that is in need of beds, dressers and bedding.  If you can help with this need, or if you'd rather make a monetary donation, please contact either of them. 
  • Remember all the college students who are away from home.
  • Continue to  pray for RAIN and for all the firemen who have been battling the wildfires!
LIFE GROUPS:  This ministry starts back up NEXT Sunday-Sept 18! 

BLOOD DRIVE UPDATE:  The 25 individuals who came donated 22 credits to our account!  Thank you to all who donated!  Next blood drive is in November!!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Grilled Chicken Salad. Still only $2. If you weren't able to sign-up on Sunday morning, and want to join us, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Vegetables
The Benevolence Ministry has been really busy lately. These are the items routinely stocked in the pantry, and can always be used: Any type of canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, spaghetti and sauce peanut butter/jelly, macaroni/cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, 1 lb pkgs of beans/rice and crackers.

Sept 14: Ladies Bible Class resumes
Sept 14: Parent Meeting after church in the youth room'
Sept 18: Wedding Shower for Lacy Nabors and Jesse Anderson 1:30pm
Sept 18: LIFE Groups resume
Sept 18:  Change Cans for Arms of Hope - DUE TODAY!
Sept 20: H.A.L.O.
Sept 15: KFC Parent Meeting
Oct 1-2: Youth Group to Camp Deer Run for Fall Retreat
Nov 9:  Blood Drive
Nov 18-20: Family Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!

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