Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Update - 9/25 - 7:19pm

It was wonderful was it to see John Mark, Tara and their kids today!! Thank you John Mark for the wonderful lesson this morning and reminding us of things we need to be thankful for EVERYDAY! I loved seeing the faces of my Peruvian brothers and sisters in Christ and putting a name and their story together. We appreciate your hard work in the missionary field! He will also be speaking on Wednesday night in the auditorium. (There is still a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center for those that want to spend some time with the family.)
Today was Tanya Welch's last Sunday as our Children's Coordinator. Thank you Tanya for all the hard work and dedication that you have put into the children of LACOC!

  • Dianna Welch will be admitted to Baylor/Dallas tomorrow. Her surgery is scheduled for 7:15am on Tuesday morning.
  • Patsy Able (former member) is in PRMC/S - Room 713.
  • Mike Crews' aunt, Liz Melton (former member), is in a Texarkana hospital on life support.
  • Coy Easton (Chris Easton's Mom) is in Brentwood Terrace and is paralyzed on her right side. They did sit her up in a chair this weekend.
  • Linda Easton asked that we pray for her co-worker, Kim Click. She is having neck surgery in Dallas this week.
  • Debra Usry will be having eye tests in Sherman, this Thursday, to rule out age related macular degeneration.
  • Phyllis Giguere has been transferred to Life Care Hospital/Plano. She is continuing to recover and show improvement from her back surgery and from the infection in her abdomen at the incision site.
  • Peggy Hervey (former member) had double knee replacement, last week, and is doing well.
  • On a personal note...I (Molly) saw the retinologist this week. He said that I am ahead of schedule and my retina looks great! He is going to remove the oil, that is holding the retina in place, and that will speed up the healing!
  • Continue to pray for RAIN!!
SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwiches. Please donate at least $2 per person. If you weren't able to sign-up on Sunday morning, and want to join us, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.


These are the items routinely stocked in the pantry, and can always be used: Any type of canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, spaghetti and sauce peanut butter/jelly, macaroni/cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, 1 lb pkgs of beans/rice and crackers.

Oct 1-2: Youth Group to Camp Deer Run for Fall Retreat
Oct 2: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 8: Lacy Nabors/Jesse Anderson
Oct 9: Faithful Readers
Oct 31: Trunk or Treat
Nov 9: Blood Drive
Nov 15: H.A.L.O.
Nov 18-20: Family Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!

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