Wednesday, October 12, 2011

PRAISE REPORT - 10/12 - 1:10pm

Lesa Bulls' sent this PRAISE REPORT from her co-worker, Sherry Barnes, whose husband, Gary, we have been praying for the last few months:  "Please allow me to share some terrific news that my husband, Gary, and I received this week. We traveled to Baylor on Monday for his 7th chemo treatment for lymphoma plus a PET scan to assess how effective the treatments have been so far. The scan was CLEAR, no cancer and no infection!!!!! With 3 more treatments left and this good report, we are seeing brighter days ahead. We remain humbled and immensely grateful for the thoughts and prayers that have been offered up for Gary and I both.  'Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.'~~Romans 8:37"

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