Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekly Update - 10/24 - 4:17pm

Our sympathy is extended to Chris & Linda Easton in the passing of his Mom, Coy Easton.  Her services were today.

PRAISE:  David Nelson (Charlotte Grooms' brother) his tumors are shrinking!

Dinah Border is in need of large, plastic buckets with lids.  Plastic ice cream buckets work well to freeze dressing for our Thanksgiving meal.  (Please leave in the OutReach bldg.)

5th SUNDAY FORMAT: Sunday, Oct 30 we will have classes at 9am, worship at 10am followed by a pot luck lunch in the OutReach Bldg. We will enjoy a devotional and singing after lunch and not have an evening service at the building. John Cannon will be the guest speaker.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Cavatini.  Please donate at least $2 per person. If you weren't able to sign-up on Sunday morning, and want to join us, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS: Peanut Butter and Jelly
These are the items routinely stocked in the pantry, and can always be used: Any type of canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, spaghetti and sauce peanut butter/jelly, macaroni/cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, 1 lb pkgs of beans/rice and crackers.

TRUNK OR TREAT: Monday - October 31st!!
Once again we will be hosting the children of our community with a safe and fun filled alternative to Halloween. If you would like to don a costume, decorate your car and join in the fun, please sign-up at the Welcome Center. Participants will arrive at the building to pick up their treats by 5:30-6:00pm, then proceed to the church ball field to circle up their cars and get ready for the public at 7pm. This activity is a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Oct 30: 5th Sunday Format (guest speaker John Cannon)
Oct 31: Trunk or Treat
Nov 6: Daylight Savings Time (Fall back ONE hour)
Nov 9: Blood Drive
Nov 13: Faithful Readers
Nov 15: H.A.L.O.
Nov 18-20: Family Retreat
Dec 5: Ladies Ornament Exchange @ Sherry Welch's

Love you - MEAN IT!

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