Sunday, November 13, 2011

Prayer Request - 11/13 - 6:40pm

My friend, Stefany Ellis, just called with a prayer request regarding 4 teenagers who were involved in a one car accident, early this morning, north of Roxton.
Kelsie Simpson, Katrina Gaton, Tyi Leonard and Kalyl McGuire were involved in a one car accident early this morning, north of Roxton.
Kelsie Simpsonthe driver, was CareFlighted to Parkland, but was released earlier today with a neck brace and a leg brace.
Kalyl McGuire was taken to PRMC and released earlier today.  Stitches on his face and road rash all over.
Katrina Gaton, not sure of her injuries.
Stefany's cousin, Tyi Leonard, was CareFlighted to Parkland and is paralyzed from the waist down.  Spinal surgery will be done on Tuesday.  A rod and pins will be placed right about the tailbone, where it's broken. Please pray that the surgery will be successful and the paralysis will be temporary. He will also have plastic surgery on one of his fingers, to repair it.
These 4 need our prayers, as will their families, doctors and nurses. 

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