Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Food Baskets

Christmas Basket Information:  If you know of a family in need of a Christmas basket, please fill out a form from the Welcome Center.  Deadline for nominations is Wednesday (12/14).  You may place them in the Christmas box in the foyer or return them to Matt or Allison Hanley.
If you would like to fill a basket, please sign-up on the "Christmas Basket Volunteers" form at the Welcome Center.
Each nomination form has a form number.  If you would like to specifically fill the basket(s) that you nominated, please sign up on the volunteer sheet and specify your form number.
Baskets will be delivered on Wednesday (12/21). 
If you would like to donate money for a basket or if you have any questions, please contact Allison Hanley: arb.hanley@gmail.com or call her at 903-227-7624.

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