Saturday, December 3, 2011

Prayer Request - 12/3 - 1pm

This morning, Landon Garrett and the team he leads, were deployed to Afghanistan.  Kristi posted this message a few minutes ago:  "Stayed up til 3 am to talk to Landon as long as we could, before his phone was shut off... I know that so many of you have prayed for his recovery and look how awesome that turned out, so I am asking... no begging for all of your prayers again... He is headed to Afghanistan... please pray for him and the team that he is leading into war.  I am already forever grateful for every prayer on his behalf and I am saying thank you right now for your current and continued prayers... This is not a training mission... this is for real and he is still my little boy. I love you guys and thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers."

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