Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mid-Week Prayer Requests - 1/18 - 10:42pm

  • Lee McClain is suffering from shingles.
  • Bobby Anthony has been having heart issues and was in the hospital during the holidays.
  • Eloise Pettit (former member at LACOC) is in Presbyterian Hospital/Denton. 
  • Rex Bridgers, Kathy Daniels' 5 year old great-nephew, has been having some serious health issues.  The doctors are thinking it's perthes disease.  Click on this link for more information.
  • One of my co-workers at FFCB, Charlotte Chancellor, will be having knee surgery tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
  • Heather Fortner, another co-worker at FFCB, will be having a C-section next Friday (1/27).
  • Jimmy Thielman's mother, Marchita Thielman, will be having triple by-pass next Tuesday at Baylor/Dallas.
  • Margaret Lough's mother, Ann McMillan, will be having surgery on 1/31.
  • Roger Lough's mother, Ruth Lough, is slowly getting better.  She's still in a rehab facility.
Our H.A.L.O. group collected enough items at our meeting on Tuesday night to fill 13 boxes to send to soldiers in Afghanistan!  Thank you to all the ladies who participated!!

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