Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mid-Week Update - 1/4 - 8pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Karen Cato - got results from her PET scan results today.  NO EVIDENCE OF ACTIVE LYMPHOMA!
  • Jimmy Faulkner - he continues to be in a hospital in Houston recovering from surgery.
  • Kathy Grigsby - as she recovers from pacemaker surgery.
  • Kathy Cooper - she's had cancer for a long time and went into a coma on Tuesday.  Her husband James Sam passed away just a few months ago from cancer also.  (Lives in Roxton.)
  • Brenda Story - Has been in the hospital for 2 weeks.  Had surgery and is on a vent.  She is a little better today, but still in serious condition.
  • Hannah Richard - Continues to be in Children's Medical/Dallas.  They did a CT scan today and she is feeling some better.  (Kristi Bullard-Moody's step-granddaughter.)
REMINDER:  Bridal shower this Sunday at 1:30pm for Brittany Twitty and Wendell Johnson.

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