Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/12 - 9:10am

Kathy Grigsby went to the heart Dr. in Dallas yesterday for a post-op visit.

Brittany Twitty asked that we pray for Wendell Johnson.  They are switching schedules on them at work and it is very stressful. 

Ken & Kathy Love would love to have visitors.  Please call first.

Wayne Kerby said that Cliff went by to see Ricky Freelen and stated that he is nearing the end of his life.  He is at Baylor/Dallas.  Kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver.  Please pray for peace and comrfort.

Margaret Lough's Mom, Ann McMillan, will be having surgery on Jan. 31st.  Roger's Mom, Ruth Lough, is continuing her rehab at a nursing home in Whitehouse, TX.

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