Thursday, January 26, 2012

Prayer Requests - 1/26 - 8:51am

  • Phyllis Giguere is under the weather.  Possible sinus infection.
  • Glen Martin (co-worker of Lesa Bulls) had double knee replacement.
  • Mel Young (friend of Lesa's) has had cancer for several years.  He is now on hospice.
  • Peggy Pulaski (April McClour's Mom) prayers for good test results.
  • Chuck Fuller (April's grandfather) prayers for better health.
  • Samarian (Brittany Twitty's friend) 1 year old baby having problems with black-out spells and seizures.
  • Lucas Simpson broke his toe and is now in a "boot".  Prayers for him going back to Boles Home.
  • Jillian Ingram (Debra Usry's daughter) is moving to California.  Prayers for her safety.
  • Nora White had gallbladder surgery last week.  She's at home doing well.

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