Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Prayer Requests & Updates - 1/17 - 10:20am

Don't forget....H.A.L.O. meeting tonight.  Bring finger foods, games and items for us to send to the troops in Afghanistan!

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Jerry McFadden's mother, Lorene Butler, is in ICU at the South hospital. She fell at the nursing home yesterday.
  • Michelle Anderson is having health issues and an upcoming procedure.
  • Regena Crews (Mike Crews Mom) had neck surgery yesterday.
  • Robert Wilson continue to pray for his health.
  • Chuck Fuller (April McClour's granddad) tests being done on him for liver and colon cancer.  He's in really bad health.
  • Peggy Pulaski (April McClour's Mom) tests being done for breast cancer.
  • Marchita Thielman (Jimmy Thielman's Mom) had a heart cath yesteday.
  • Ricky Freelen - PRAISE that he is off life support, awake and trying to talk.
  • Lydia Glenn (Anna Zant's aunt) had a heart attack and his in a hospital in Tyler.
  • Hugh Anthony's sister is in a a hospital in Oklahoma City.
  • Billie Self's sister, Kathy Cooper, passed away this past week.
  • Stella Lovell (Phyllis Giguere's Mom) will be having surgery soon.
  • Keep the Pomroy/Hatcher families in your prayers.  Judy's dad, Carl Ray Hatcher and Bobby's brother, J.C. Pomroy, both died this week.
Monte Cox, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion at Harding University, will be here during the weekend of January 28-29 to speak at LACOC.  Series Title:  "Outside The Walls"
Saturday - 10a-11a:  Outside the Walls - Part 1
Saturday - 11a-12:30p:  Outside the Walls - Part 2
Sunday - Bible Class:  Sanctified & Sent (John 17:13-19)
Sunday - Worship:  "In The Flesh - Not In Your Face" (John 1:14)
Fifth Sunday Potluck in the Outreach Bldg.
Sunday:  "Famous Last Words"  (John 21:15-23)

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Ham and Pinto Beans. If you would like to join us and didn't sign-up on Sunday morning, call the church office to insure that there will be enough food for everyone. Please donate at least $2 per person .

Listed below are items we routinely stock in the food pantry. (There have been so many requests recently, the cupboard is bare!)
Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, Spam, ham, Vienna Sausage, canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, spaghetti and sauce, one-pound packages of beans/rice, crackers, toiletries.

Jan 17: H.A.L.O @6pm
Jan 18: Youth Group GAP night
Jan 20-22: WinterFest
Jan 28-29: Dr. Monte Cox scheduled to speak
Jan 29:  5th Sunday Pot Luck in Outreach Bldg.
Jan 31:  Open Youth Room
Feb 11:  Twitty/Johnson Wedding
Feb 12:  Faithful Readers meet

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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