Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly Update - 1/8 - 9pm

Patrick gave us a wonderful message this morning on The Prayer of Jabez....“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request."  And God GRANTED his request....If you are going to pray a BOLD ready to be blessed by God in ways you can't even imagine. 
  • Dee Lyons went forward this morning for prayers for her health and family issues.
  • Butch & Sue Munday are so thankful that Butch will not have to have heart surgery and doctors are treating him with medications.
  • Dianna Welch is at home and very sore, after her fall on Friday night.  She did not break any ribs, but she is very sore.
  • Daryl Buchanan (Alvin's brother) fell while getting out of his truck, in North Dakota, and broke several ribs and punctured a lung.
  • Dr. Bill Logee (friend of Derald Bulls) is recovering from a heart attack.
  • Leah Boswell (co-worker of Lesa Bulls) father had heart surgery this week.
  • Sherry Welch and her family will all be together this next week to finalize and make closure of her Mom's (Hazel Cross) life.
  • Chaz Wilson (Vera Wilson's son) is being deployed to Europe.
  • Alma Slagle (Dinah Border's cousin) has breast cancer.
  • The Ladies Class listed these requests:  Sarah Cooke diagnosed with cancer, Douglas Sands a 3 year old having health issues and J.C. Pomroy (retired Coke employee) has lung cancer.
  • My friend, Donna Archer, had her strong dose of chemo last Friday, Dec 30th which killed all of her cells, good and bad. Her stem cell harvest is scheduled for tomorrow and possibly Tuesday if needed. Please pray that this will be a simple and easy process for her that will take the minimum expected time. Also pray that they get an over abundance of stem cells so that she may not have to endure this part of the process again. Please continue to pray for Donna, her husband Sammy and the family.
Monte Cox, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion at Harding University, will be here during the weekend of January 28-29 to speak at LACOC.  There will be more details as they become available.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Lasagna.  If you would like to join us and didn't sign-up on Sunday morning, call the church office to insure that there will be enough food for everyone.  Please donate at least $2 per person .

PANTRY NEEDS:  EVERYTHING!  Listed below are items we routinely stock in the food pantry.  (There have been so many requests recently, the cupboard is bare!)
Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, Spam, ham, Vienna Sausage, canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni & cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, spaghetti & sauce, one-pound packages of beans/rice, crackers, toiletries.

Jan 9:  Elders/Deacons Meeting
Jan 11:  Ladies Bible Class resumes
Jan 15:  Life Groups meet
Jan 15:  Pink Shower for Jennifer Beeler @1:30pm
Jan 17:  H.A.L.O @6pm
Jan 18:  Youth Group GAP night
Jan 20-22:  WinterFest
Jan 28-29:  Dr. Monte Cox scheduled to speak

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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