Monday, February 13, 2012

Prayer Requests - 2/13 - 1:10pm

  • Carle Usry went forward yesterday morning, asking for prayers, for the struggles in her life. Also asked for prayers for her brother, Lucas Simpson. There is a possibility that he will be returning to Boles Home.
  • Please keep Jeremy Wilson and his family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of his Dad, Larry. Family night will be Wednesday from 6-7pm at Bright Holland Funeral Home. His funeral service will be Thursday at 2pm, also at the funeral home.
  • Jean O'Neal continues to heal, from her fall last week.
  • Joel McGee had to go back into the hospital for another surgery this week. (He had his tonsils removed on Friday 2/3.)
  • Margie McQueen (Sharon Thielman's Mom) has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Please keep her husband, Wayne, in your prayers for strength and patience to care for her.
  • Marchita Thielman (Jimmy's Mom) is recovering from double by-pass. She's also experiencing problems with her eyes.
  • Tammy Brunson (friend of Todd Duren) has recently bee diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Continue to remember the family of Dr. Mel Young, who passed away over the weekend from cancer.
  • Calvin Ramsey (friend of Usry's) is in a Plano hospital after a car accident.
  • David Kennedy (friend of Usry's) is in bad health and is on dialysis.
  • Heather Cannon has received ALL of the financial backing for her continued mission work with AIM.
  • Ashleigh Kennedy (Mike and Gail's daughter) for her struggles with life.
  • Jimmy Faulkner was back at church yesterday! How wonderful to see him back with us!
  • Lorene Butler (Jerry McFadden's Mom) is continuing to have health issues.
  • Alene Newton (Alvin Buchanan's sister) is seriously ill with a fast growing tumor on her bladder. Alvin and Lilla traveled to San Antonio on Saturday to be with her. Prayers for peace and comfort and safe travels.
  • Phyllis Giguere fell at church, yesterday morning. She was a little shaken up, but was fine. 
A HUGE thank you goes to Laura Cannon for serving as the interim children's coordinator!

VALENTINE DINNER: TONIGHT (Feb. 13) at 6:30pm in the Outreach Bldg. All couples and Young at Heart are invited. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center.


LIFE GROUPS: The LTC Scrapbook team wants a picture of your group. Please give it to April McClour.


SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks entree is Frito Chili Pie! Please donate $2 per person. If you did not sign-up on Sunday morning, please call the church office to reserve your place.

PANTRY NEEDS: Macaroni and Cheese

Shepherd Cluster Group Meeting - Sunday, February 26th at 6pm:

A-D: Lewis Anderson and Patrick Cannon

E-K: Cleve Fendley and Kyle Jones

L-R: Doug Faires and Jay Spencer 

S-Z: Wayne Kerby and Richard Peace

Keep The Date:

Feb 13: Valentine Dinner

Feb 15: GAP Night

Feb 19: Life Groups

Feb 26: Nichols Baby Shower

Feb 26: Shepherd Cluster Groups

Feb 28: Open Youth Room
Mar 20: H.A.L.O.

Apr 6-7: LTC

Love you - MEAN IT!

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