Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prayer Requests - 2/9 - 1pm

  • Brittany Twitty & Wendell Johnson will be getting married this Saturday night at 6pm at LACOC.  Brittany asked that we pray for a "strong rooted marriage in the Lord and for safe travel during our honeymoon".  Also, Wendell was laid off of his job at Campbell Soup on Wednesday.  Lots of prayers for this sweet couple.
  • Johnny Nabors continues to be in PRMC/South.  Loretta says he is better.
  • Lillian Taylor was dismissed from the hospital today.  She does have an appointment with a surgeon in Tyler next week.
  • Payden Daniels has been really sick with asthma these last 2 weeks. 
  • Jimmy Faulkner is doing really fact, he helped with the benevolence group yesterday!
  • Brooke Spann, former NLHS classmate of Haley Bulls, is 23 years old and had to have a pacemaker.
  • Glen Martin, former principal at NLHS, had knee replacement last week and was readmitted to PRMC/North for rehab.  He had complications.
  • Judy Loggins (neighbor of the Bulls) has had her Mom in the nursing home for years with Alzheimer's.  Her Mom is now in her final days.
  • Ann McMillan (Margaret Lough's Mom) had her surgery last week and is doing well.

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