Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekly Update - 2/5 - 8:09pm

  • Rita Pringle went forward this morning asking for prayers for strength for closer walk with God.
  • Michelle Anderson - health issues and prayers for good lab results.
  • Joel McGee - is recovering at home from surgery on Friday.  He had a tonsillectomy.  Prayers for healing.
  • John McGee's Dad, Thomas - had a heart cath procedure on Friday.  He is improving.
  • Dot Campbell - suffering with the shingles.  Her son Jim has been diagnosed with an aneurysm and another son has cancer.
  • Brooklyn Kate Beeler was born this past week.  She weighed in at 9 pounds and is 20 1/4 inches long.  Jeff & Jennifer Beeler are the proud parents.  Allen & Nikki Beeler are the EVEN prouder grandparents.
  • Glen Barnett - health issues.
  • Kathy Grigsby - possible food poisoning.
  • Greg Wilson - traveling to Austin, next weekend, for Special Olympic/Bowling competition.
  • Doris McGill - as she is continuing to mourn the loss of her sister, last week.
  • Gail Taylor - is still recovering from surgery.   Will be at home for another 4 weeks.
  • Chandler Jones - having shoulder problems, with the possibility of surgery.
  • Nancy Jones - one of her former co-workers passed away in Waco.  Prayers for Nancy has she travels to be with the family.
  • Becky Webb - prayers of thanksgiving for their son Mark.  He is in a rehab facility for 90 days and then will be home.
  • Christian Medina - 1st grader at Justiss is in Children's Medical/Dallas with pneumonia.  He had been in ICU for 5 days and is now in a private room.
  • Kari Ann Cannon's grandmother - failing health.
  • Lillian Taylor's friend Billie Lindsey - her daughter, Priscilla, passed away on Saturday.
  • Tanya Welch's nephew, Alex.  His 3 month old baby passed away from SIDS, 2 weeks ago.  Alex is having many personal issues now and is need of our prayers.
  • Heather Cannon's mission work is progressing.  She is in Mexico City at this time.
  • Gene & Ruth Ann Stallings and their family as they are in Haiti on a medical mission trip at this time.
  • Bailey Cannon - as she continues to prepare for her mission trip this summer to Zambia.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Hot or cold cereal.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Chicken Cordon Bleu.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us on Wednesday night, call the church office to make your reservation.

Feb 11:  Brittany Twitty & Wendell Johnson wedding
Feb 12:  LTC meeting after worship in Room 6.  Everyone involved with LTC needs to attend.
Feb 12:  Faithful Readers
Feb 12:  Youth Group Dinner/Devo at the Baggett's
Feb 13:  Valentine's Dinner
Feb 15:  Gap Night (bring your water jugs with change)
Feb 26:  Nichols Baby Shower
Mar 20:  H.A.L.O.
Apr 6-7:  LTC

Love you - MEAN IT!

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