Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How about some GOOD news? 3/28 - 10:02pm

Carol Roddy sent this message this afternoon:  ”Good News…dr. said he didn’t recommend surgery unless I could not tolerate the pain.  He said he see this and surgery last option. Will follow with ct in one year. Probably won’t change and no concern for rupture. Thank u for your prayers!! Love ya’ll”

Lesa Bulls sent this message today:  "GOOD NEWS! The Neupogen injections are working for Charlie Rhodes! His blood work is looking promising for the rapid growth of the stem cells. A friend of Charlie's is driving down to spend a couple of days with him since he is doing well. Patsy is driving home this afternoon and plans to work Thursday and Friday. They both are encouraged even though there are still some tough days ahead. Please continue to lift them up in prayer"

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