Thursday, March 8, 2012

Prayer Requests - 3/8 - 4:30pm

  • Carole Anderson is asking for prayers for strength to face health issues she is facing.
  • Terry McFadden was admitted this afternoon to PRMC/South - Room 319.  Possibly has pneumonia.
  • Sherry Welch is having health issue.
  • David Kelly (Laura Cannon's Dad) was in ICU for a few days after surgery.  He's still having irregular heartbeat.  He's in a regular room now and doing some better.
  • Butch Bulls (Danny's Dad) has been diagnosed with cancer.
  • Darren Ausmus (Jerry McFadden's nephew) passed away last week.
  • Debra Usry asked for prayers for Lloyd's cousin, Jan Bryan-Boyd.  Her husband passed away last week while they were on vacation.  And for Joe Bryan, for healing from a heart attack.
  • Nathan Palmer (friend of Lisa Denman's) had heart surgery to repair a valve.
  • Alice Denman (Matt's Mom) had stint put in last week. Pray for her continued strength.
  • Trent McKinney (co-worker of Webber Woodall's) asked for prayers for the group of students from PJC that are going on a mission trip to Padre Island.
  • Sue Garland (Tracy Scudder's Mom) has pancreatic cancer.  Not doing well.
  • Lorene Butler (Jerry McFadden's Mom) for her health.
  • Mark Giguere (Phyllis' ex-husband) for his health.
  • Donna Burnett (former principal at Justiss Elementary) husband died last week.

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