Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Update - 4/1 - 10:07pm

Next Sunday is Easter.  Don't forget to invite someone to church with you.  What a wonderful opportunity to ask a co-worker, neighbor or a relative!

I can't imagine being in the Ukraine just yesterday and in Paris, Texas this morning!  Thank you Richard & Denise Baggett for coming and talking to us about the "Million Dollar Sunday for Eastern European Missions" that is coming up on April 29th.  The pictures of those precious little children with their new bibles just melted my heart! prepared!  Sunday, April 29th, and bring extra to donate for the special offering for bibles!!
  • Paul McClain had surgery this past Thursday on his bicep and he was already at church this morning.
  • Allen Jumper was at church this morning for the first time in quite a while!  So good to see him!  But, we need to remember Miss Florice.  She is not doing well at all.
  • Danielle Weatherford is in a hospital in Dallas in serious condition!
  • We said a sad goodbye to our sweet Phyllis Giguere today.  She's moving to Sulphur Springs. 
  • Ethan Hall (grandson of Paul Gene & Anita Roden) asked for prayers for family members, Pam & Jessie Denton
  • Mark Arnold (Lora's Dad) has broken his collar bone.
  • Jeannie Lamb's doctor has found a spot on her lung.  She's to meet with specialists this week.
  • Melvin & Becky Webb's son Mark needs continued encouragement.  You may send those cards to him at: 125 Brown Avenue - Paris, TX 75460.
  • Please remember our Kiddie Kollege teachers this week.  One of their little students Mom, Jenny Rushin, passed away this week, after giving birth to a new baby.
  • Scott and Candy Ellis asked for prayers for Scott as he lost his job,
  • Mike Kennedy's niece, Stephanie, has just been diagnosed with Lupus.
New Directory Photo Signup:  Please click on this link to go directly to the Lifetouch website.  You can set up your family appointment in about 2 minutes!  You pick the day and the time and then they give you very clear instructions to follow.  Very simple!

Praying for students in Lamar County: There is a group of individuals, here in Lamar County, that are concerned for the teenagers. They have gotten together and are praying for the students. No contact is required. Just prayers.  If you didn't pick yours up this morning, check with the church office. (I picked up my student card this morning....and there's even a picture of him!)
MISSION TRIPS: We have 3 of our young ladies who will be going on mission trips this summer... McKenna Jones will be going to Africa in May for 3 weeks, Paige Shaw (Danny and Mindy Bulls' daughter) will be going to Japan and Bailey Cannon will be going to Zambia in July for 2 1/2 weeks.

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Fried Chicken. These wonderful meals are still only $2. If you didn't sign up, this morning, and would like to join us for food and fellowship, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

BENEVOLENCE CLOTHES CLOSET: Now accepting summer clothing only. Please make sure your donations are clean, folded and/or placed on hangers.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned vegetables
Journey of Faith - April 6-7:

Last Meeting will be April 4th, right after church. Should only last 5-10 minutes in Room 6.
Food Sign-up: Please sign up at the Welcome Center or bulletin board if you can help with food for LTC.
Apr 6-7: LTC
Apr 8: Faithful Readers
Apr 20-22: High School Retreat
Apr 25: Blood Drive
Apr 29: Eastern European Missions Special Contribution
May 8-12 and 17-19: Lifetouch Directory Pictures
May 11-13: Junior High Retreat
May 18: Senior Trip
May 20: Senior Sunday
May 23: Shepherd Clusters
June 18-21: CDR Day Camp

Love you - MEAN IT!

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