Monday, May 21, 2012

Prayer Request - 5/21 - 3:45pm

Robyn Figgins sent this update:  "Faith Williams was able to come home Saturday to visit. Saturday afternoon she and her husband, Donnie, were in a car accident. Someone pulled out in front of Donnie and he didn’t have time to stop. No one was hurt, it just jarred Faith. She was at church yesterday morning, but she was so weak she had to be brought inside in a wheelchair. As the day went on her health continued to deteriorate. She wasn’t due back to Baylor until today, but because of her complications, Brenda took her to the Baylor Cancer center ER yesterday afternoon, where they immediately admitted her into the hospital. She is scheduled for several more scans and blood work today. They will be doing a Pet Scan of her head to see if the lymphoma has spread into her face. If it has, and the lymphoma is active, she will have to have more chemotherapy before they can proceed with the stem cell transplant. She is feeling a bit better today and is more talkative."

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