Friday, May 25, 2012

Prayer Request Updates - 5/25 - 8:12pm

April Miller post this update about her baby daughter, Aubrie Jade...3 days after receiving her new heart:  "It has been a long day!!! We have had a couple of transplant meetings about Aubrie's care when we leave the hospital & learning medications!!  Aubs was awake for a good part of the day & is now getting her beauty rest!! Dr. G is really happy with how well Aubs is doing!! She said hopefully tomorrow, getting the intracardiac lines out of her chest & then possibly getting to hold her in the next few days!!!  Please everyone of you that have babies, hold them every chance you get!! I don't have that privilege!! I appreciate so much more in life because I don't get as many chances as everyone else!! Also, continue to pray for the donors family!! Without them, Aubs wouldn't be getting this chance!! I am so thankful for the gift of life that they gave!! I hope you all think about organ donation more seriously!!  Thank you all for the love, support & prayers for our journey!!"

Donnie Williams posted this update regarding his wife, Faith "Faith's in good spirits today, although current events can change in an instant. Dr. Fay said pathology report indicate the cancer has transformed aggressive and has turned into a more threatening disease. The great thing is she's here in Baylor getting the best treatment you can imagine. Your love and prayers are appreciated and we can't wait to give you wonderful folks GOOD NEWS."

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