Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prayer Requests - 5/3 - 4:09pm

  • Barbara Dean will be going in to surgery within the hour at PRMC/South.
  • Hugh Anthony is still in The Heart Hospital in Plano.  He had a bad day yesterday, with his blood pressure going very low.  He is better today.
  • Mike Grigsby is at home recovering from his latest stay in the hospital.
  • Lesa Bulls sent this message today:  "Charlie Rhoades is through with his treatment and all his blood work is great.  (Better than planned and 2 weeks ahead of schedule.)  They are on their way home."
  • Derald Bulls asked for prayers for his friend, Jerry Hendrix.  Jerry has cancer and needs prayers of comfort and peace.
  • Have you signed up to have your family's picture taken, for the new photo directory?  Another day has been added to the picture taking options.  Tuesday, May 15th is the date added.  Also, have you updated your information with the volunteers?  For this to be a success, we need your help.

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